What I have read since 1974

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List of books read since 1974

  Title Author(s) Pages Source Date
457The sign of the twisted candlesCarolyn Keene1761976-77
524The haunted bridgeCarolyn Keene1801977-78
531The witch tree symbolCarolyn Keene1791977-78
536The clue of the leaning chimneyCarolyn Keene1761977-78
541The ghost of Blackwood HallCarolyn Keene1781977-78
543Mystery of the moss-covered mansionCarolyn Keene1771977-78
545Mystery of the tolling bellCarolyn Keene1811977-78
565The secret of the wooden ladyCarolyn Keene1761977-78
568The clue of the tapping heelsCarolyn Keene1761977-78
570The clue in the crumbling wallCarolyn Keene1811977-78
574The whispering statueCarolyn Keene1791977-78
576Password to Larkspur LaneCarolyn Keene1751977-78
577The message in the hollow oakCarolyn Keene1811977-78
586The quest of the missing mapCarolyn Keene1781977-78
587The clue of the black keysCarolyn Keene1741977-78
588The clue in the old albumCarolyn Keene2181977-78
594The sky phantomCarolyn Keene1801977-78
600The mystery of the ivory charmCarolyn Keene2161977-78
604The clue in the crossword cipherCarolyn Keene1771977-78
606The secret in the old atticCarolyn Keene1771977-78
627The clue in the jewel boxCarolyn Keene216Summer/1978
634The scarlet slipper mysteryCarolyn Keene214Summer/1978
635Mystery of the 99 stepsCarolyn Keene176Summer/1978
853Mystery at the ski jumpCarolyn Keene196c7/15/1981
854The clue of the dancing puppetCarolyn Keene196c7/15/1981
855The double jinx mysteryCarolyn Keene196c7/16/1981
856The phantom of Pine HillCarolyn Keene196c7/17/1981
857The invisible intruderCarolyn Keene196c7/17/1981
858The crooked banisterCarolyn Keene196c7/18/1981
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