What I have read since 1974

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List of books read since 1974

  Title Author(s) Pages Source Date
850The flight of the horseLarry Niven212b7/10/1981
862A hole in spaceLarry Niven196b7/21/1981
868A world out of time: a novelLarry Niven243c8/12/1981
869RingworldLarry Niven342b8/16/1981
870The Ringworld engineersLarry Niven357c8/19/1981
871ProtectorLarry Niven218b8/22/1981
872Neutron starLarry Niven285b8/25/1981
912A gift from EarthLarry Niven254b2/6/1982
947The mote in God's eyeLarry Niven
Jerry Pournelle
957Lucifer's hammerLarry Niven
Jerry Pournelle
959Oath of fealtyLarry Niven
Jerry Pournelle
1141InfernoLarry Niven
Jerry Pournelle
1149Dream parkLarry Niven
Steven Barnes
1164The integral treesLarry Niven240c6/28/1984
1237Convergent seriesLarry Niven227ewl8/4/1986
1984Tales of known space: the universe of Larry NivenLarry Niven240cu10/22/2001
2224The long arm of Gil HamiltonLarry Niven182ewl6/25/2010
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